10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel

Last updated on February 12th, 2025

People are always telling me how envious they are of my lifestyle. The fact of the matter is, I don’t possess anything that you don’t. Nobody is holding you back from accomplishing anything but yourself. We are the ones that set our limits. I’ll admit, luxury travel and food writing is not for everyone but there are a slew of other careers one can have to allow themselves complete freedom to travel. If you’d like to read more in-depth about passive income and living abroad, you must read my book.

Before becoming a travel and food writer, I had many other businesses. There were times in my life where I was an internet marketer, professional photographer, web developer, online reseller, videographer, model, actor, music producer and basically anything else I could do to make money in order to support my lifestyle. The purpose of this article is more of a brainstorming session to get you thinking about possible options.

With that being said, let’s go on a wild adventure and discuss the 10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel!

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1. Writer/Blogger

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

Obviously, my current favorite of the lot is luxury travel and food writing. There’s more than one way to skin a cat folks. The easiest way to get started with this would be to start your own blog. Your blog does not need to be focused on travel or food, it can be about anything, the world is your oyster. Make great content that is also unique and there’s a good chance that you can make something of it.

The more traditional route would be to work for a publication. This could also be freelance work. It will give you the freedom to travel while you write.

2. Web Designer/Developer

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

This one is very close to home for me as well because I also did this professionally. Everyone needs a website. Wherever you go around the world, there will be a demand to create websites. This may not always be the case but at least now and for the foreseeable future you can make a living being a web designer or web developer. The hardest part about this process is finding clients. The competition is fierce, but if you offer a quality service and know how to sell, you can find business.

3. Photographer

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

Another creative path one could take to have the freedom to travel is becoming a professional photographer. As with writing, there are tons of different types of photography out there that will allow you to move around the globe. You don’t have to limit yourself to one theme.

For about 10 years of my life I was a professional photographer. I focused on commercial, event, product and fashion photography. However, these are not the only areas to focus on. For example, I know many people who focus on stock photography. Be creative, do your research and you too can be a traveling photographer.

4. Import/Export Business or Reseller

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

When I was a teenager I imported apparel from China and sold it on eBay. This little business turned out to be highly profitable. Over the years, I have bought and sold every type of product you can imagine. In university, I bought and sold mostly electronics.

There is an unlimited potential for this type of business, you just need to do your research and find the product that works. It doesn’t have to be the most glamorous items. If you can make a nice profit, then you can support your traveling lifestyle.

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5. English Teacher

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

I didn’t include it in the introduction, but yes, there was a very brief period in my life where I tutored English on the side. You can tutor on a freelance basis or you can work for a school abroad. This really is the easiest way to live abroad. It doesn’t take much to get one of these English teaching jobs and will supply you with a visa. Basically, if English is your native language, you’re in.

6. Airline Employee

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

Throughout my years of traveling around the world I have met many flight attendants and pilots. I’ve learned that some of them really enjoy their work and some not as much. What it really comes down to is the company that you work for.

If you are interested in working for an airline, I would do extensive research about what the working environment is like. If you find a good company, this can be a great way to travel the world and not have to stress about making your itinerary. Don’t expect to have too much time in each place, but you will be able to visit many nonetheless.

7. Au Pair

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

Do you like kids? Why not join a wealthy family abroad to earn some money and see the world? I have met many Au Pairs during my time living around the world. Generally, these are women in their early 20s but I’m sure with a little finesse, a charming man could get one of these positions as well.

8. Tour Guide

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

A job that I’ve known about forever, but didn’t realize how amazing it could be, was being a tour guide. On my recent trip to Slovenia, I did a tour to Lake Bled and a food tour around Ljubljana. I got a chance to speak with my tour guide and learn how much they enjoyed their career.

This is another career where the possibilities are practically endless. You can be a freelance tour guide or you can be one that works for a company. The types of tours can vary and you can find one that fits your personality.

9. Instructor (Ski, Yoga, Fitness, Scuba, Dance, Surf)

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle


Do you enjoy being physically active? Depending on your ability, one of those physical activities could get you a decent income and the freedom to travel the world. All you have to do is become a professional at something and you can teach it while being your own boss. Perfect!

10. Model/Actor

10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

Yes, as you all know, it’s obvious that I have been both an actor and model during my lifetime. At this time, no autographs, sorry.

Anyways, if you are interested in being in front of the camera, there are more ways than one to make some cash. For example, while living in Asia, I appeared in about 15 TV commercials or movies.

No matter what size, shape or ethnicity you are, there will always be a job somewhere for you in the entertainment industry. TV and movies require all types of people. It might not be the easiest career to get started in, but once you get known by the industry, you will be able to find work much more easily. All you have to do is build a good rapport with industry professionals and you will make the list of people that get invited to auditions.

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10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel Blog Lifestyle

There you have it, the 10 Best Jobs That Give You Freedom to Travel! Are you inspired? I sure hope so! As I said earlier, the purpose of writing this article was more of a starting point to get your brain wheels turning. If you’d like to read more in-depth about passive income and living abroad, you must read my book. Hopefully, these give you some ideas about what you can do to fund your traveling lifestyle! Happy travels!